Bragi Pipe Band

Bragi Pipe Band was founded in 2015 as a cooperation between danish pipebands, from 2 different regions in the country.
It was united by members from Aarhus Pipes & Drums and Aalborg Pipe Band.
A Year later (2016) the Clan Rose Pipes & Drums joined the cooperation and a name for the band was rather mandatory.

Bragi Pipe Band was a reality.

“Bragi” is the name of the god for poetry and music in Northern Mythology, and was choosen given the bands nothern herritage and to symbol that it is not a band based in a city but consists of members from all around Denmark.
To have a name that has its roots in northern mythology gives the band a nordic cultural awareness well mixed with the love for scottish / celtic music. ‘This does have a nice poetic ring and this is why Bragi is a great name for this band.

The band is constantly evolving and are working quite consistently towards pipeband competitions in europe; Developing experiences that will prepare the members for their first appearance at the Worlds in Scotland in 2019.

Bragi Pipe Band is always looking for new players with a sense of routine since the band only meet for a half day every 3rd-5th week (roughly 1 time a month).
It is an opportunity for players who has ambition yet limited spare time.



Tel.: +45 51 21 16 05


Pipe Major: Rasmus Pape Selsing
Leading Drummer: Erik Martiny